Rules of Play

We kindly ask all our visitors to please ensure you read through our simple rules of play so that everyone can have fun and play safely.

Parents & Guardians Must:-      

Remain on the premises at all times. Planet Volt does not accept responsibility for the supervision of children.

Accept full responsibility to supervise their children at all times.

Are to be responsible for the behaviour and well-being of the children in their care.

Must monitor their children to ensure they are using the equipment safely.

Explain the rules of play to the children.

Accompany children to the toilet and ensure hands are washed before entering the play zones.

Not bring their own food and drink into the play centre.

Ensure all food and drink is consumed at the tables. No food, drink, sweets or chewing gum is to be taken into the play zones.

Rules & Guidelines:-

Anyone who is unwell or has been unwell recently must not visit the play centre.

Fighting or bullying will not be tolerated. Parents are to report any behaviour concerns to a member of staff. Repeat offenders will be asked to leave.

Smoking is not permitted within the play centre. Please ensure lighters are not in your pockets if you need to enter the play zones.

Only food purchased from our Recharge Café may be consumed at Planet Volt.

Nappies should be changed in the designated baby change area and placed in the correct bin.

Age restrictions vary within the different play zones that visitors are using. Baby area 0-2 years. Toddler area 2-5 years. Junior area 5 + years. Our inflatables age recommendation is 3 + years.  

Health & Safety:-      

Shoes must be removed before using the equipment.

Children and adults must wear Plant Volt socks on the play equipment at all times.

Please pickup any food debris which falls on the floor and report any accidents to a member of staff.  

No sharp objects, valuables or small toys are to be taken into the play zones. Spectacles should be worn with a retainer and shatterproof lenses.

We recommend children using the slides to wear clothing which covers their arms and legs.

Please do not play at the bottom of the slide exits, or the entrance and exit of the inflatables.

Report any accidents to a member of staff so we can provide any assistance needed.

All damages to equipment accidental or otherwise, must be reported immediately.

For the safety and comfort of all our customers, management reserve the right to refuse entry or ask a family to leave for disruptive behaviour or not following the above rules of play.                                                                                                        

Please note that whilst every consideration has been given to the safety of children using the play centre, Claremont
Global Ltd T/A Planet Volt cannot be held responsible for accidents which occur as a result of children playing on the equipment.